
I'm UPBEAT, EXCITED, HAPPY... what a day!

" I'm lost without you. Can't help myself. How does it feel? To know that I loved you baby!"
- Robin Thicke's Lost Without You -

This entry will be an upbeat one- an entry contained without any other emotion aside from BLISS, HAPPINESS, and CHEERFULNESS.

There are just wherein after I reflect on a very serious statement, I become happy, an energized person. What are my parameters regarding being happy? Well, it has to do with OPTIMISM, EXPRESSION OF CONFIDENCE, EASILY BRUSHES OFF PRESSURE AND SO ON AND SO FORTH.

Well, I'm just really happy because I finally solved that statement said by Gelli to me last night regarding life being unfair at times. Well, having solved the problem successfully, I will use the "answer" to the statement as a motivation for me to be better... better in a sense that I will make wiser decisions in the future... better in a sense that I won't commit risky decisions that often.

I'm excited because I want to go to school and see my friends especially Patrick Andrew Del Rosario! LOL! Heck, when Patrick and I chat, we chat as if we haven't seen each other for ages already!

I'm upbeat because I will do some exciting things tomorrow like playing with my siblings in the outdoors. Heck, this is already exciting because our dog plays with us so we have to hustle to retrieve that good ol' shuttlecock fast.

To sum it up, I just really had a good day.

This is it.


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