Well, I woke up at 4:30a.m and was surprised to see a text message saying "Good Morning Amity" from Celine. Then I listened to 3 songs of Linkin Park to energize me. The school service reached by 5:45a.m though. Hmm, when I reached school, I immediately talk to my fellow Exodudes specifically Renato and Armand. Then, the Amity Boys started arriving one by one and some Counsel Boys. Then, we went to our respective classrooms for some matters. Then, we had our recess and after that, we subsequently went back to our respective classrooms. We then lined up to go to the covered court for some "Opening Day Festivities." We then had some prayers and we watched an awesome dance by the Dance Club. Then we went home.
We had some matters talked about like the following: the schedule, which is a huge bummer considering Friday's dismissal time. Another was the scope and sequence for English which really is intriguing considering the books implicated were VERY LONG and THICK yet IMPRESSIVE. We then had our PEHM classes. Our teacher was Mr. Vital. Man, he has this knack of saying "green jokes." We really had fun with those jokes. Seriously.
After we took our recess, we had our Library period. We really had fun during this period because of the jokes of Tristan, Apollo, Patrick, Marti, and Sam. They introduced to us this Online Public Access Catalog(OPAC). Well, it's an improvement but the books are not yet updated though. We had then our Math class which shocked us because of the fact that Mrs. David, our first year adviser, was our Math teacher. We were shocked by the way she handled things. Maybe it's because of the fact that she's pregnant.
Lunch time was done and we had our Social classes. Then we copied the scope and sequence and then we were told to bring some things. Ms. Mendoza is our Social Studies teacher by the way. Chemistry time came and oh boy! Mr. Bernardo is our teacher! He flaunts this aura that clearly shows that he shouldn't be messed with. I was astounded by the fact that Ms. Sason was our Filipino teacher. We reconciled in the end and that was a huge moment. Haha.
We had English and we had this exercise about the importance of English. This exercise really was fun though I'm not used to writing with a pen again. Crap. Look, the exercise was fruitful though.
We then had our CLE class and Mrs. Tolentino was our teacher. To set the record straight, I never knew that she has been teaching CLE before she started teaching Reading. We had this Bible quotes/verses which somehow are part of the topic. Then, after our recess, we had our TLE class under Mr. Patriarca. We had this introduction thingy and . . . the words I used were "deep" so my classmates were "nose bleeding". We had our Math and we just copied the scope and sequence. We had our Social class and we had this quiz bee about the History of HFA. We, Renato, Katrina, Rose Anne, Bea and I, finished second overall. We then had our Chemnistry again and we got to know more about Mr. Bernardo.
Filipino time came and 'twas more of a free time as we got to do the things we liked like doing some sleeping, talking to our friends and listening to some music by Sam.
We had our orientation about the certain school policies. I will complain about the 5 minute rule. C'mon HFA! You have to be thinking that there are certain uncontrollable circumstances which may take more than 5 minutes. Oh brother! Another is that uncontrollable body pains like headaches, stomachaches and everything that aches are considered as UNACCEPTED REASONS. Again, this agitated me because even though that this are used as EXCUSES, why should the innocent be affected? Enough with poor-decision making already!
After the orientation, we had our Social classes and we did some matters about the comic strip about the Familians doing some rules and regulations or something like that. We had English and we talked about Literature as a "main component" inside a casserole. The task given to us was that we supplement the casserole with ingredients. Well, I answered this: "Literature comprises of fanciful yet immense ideas rolled into one story with aplomb and magnificence." Well, my classmates were shocked, petrified and surprised by my statement. Even Mrs. Pascual was shocked. At least, my confidence was boosted a lot.We again had Math and then we had this killer Math seatwork. The aforementioned seatwork was really a bummer because of the things we've forgotten that are vital to the seatwork like those steps and some computations.
Chemistry was a huge bummer due to the fact that the scope and sequence for the first quarter is long that it looks like it can't be accomplished in the school calendar. Then we had this introduction thingy. We then had our PEHM and did the Anthropometrics Test. After this was done, we played a game called "Crocodile Tails." The game was about 2 groups doing a task which is to get the "tail" of the other group. Only the frontliners could do this though. Well, another way of winning is that the chain of the opposing group is broken(e.g The grip of the teammates is broken). As of this time, we are leading 3-0. We are still laughing because of Jepjep and Joyjoy. LMAO.
We had our Opening Mass and I kinda felt sleepy at one point but thanks to Jonel's punching, I was awake and I was able to muster all the effort needed to finish the Mass. We then had our Guidance period. After the Guidance period, we took our recess and then we had our Mah class. Another Math seatwork is given which is also tough. But in the end, I was able to finish the seatwork in time.
After the lunch break, we had our Chemistry period and 'twas mostly for the introduction time. The bomb was Tristan's, Danica's, Sam's, and Patrick's speeches. We had fun in this period. Then, we searched for our respective clubs. I chose the Young Scientist's Club because Mrs. Baluyut is the moderator.
1. Tristan and Danica's beatboxing skills presentation.
2. Sam, Tristan and Marti's Super Mario presentation.
3. Danica's talent presentation.
4. Well, when I teased Ate Kat "III- Proverbs" then she boldly said "III- Genesis" and "Celine Lugue."
5. Well, Sam's guitar skills presentation.
6. Uhm, when we laughed because of Mr. Vital's "green jokes."
7. Renato's introduction speech.
8. Mr. Bernardo's introduction speech.
9. Ms. Sason's introduction and her jokes.
10. Tristan's impersonation of some teachers.
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