

I reviewed Gellah's blog yesterday. This time though, I would review Celine's blog.

First and foremost, this blog was the reason that I started engaging myself in blogging. This blog was so spectacular that I really liked it on the spot. The layout is nice! The content of the blog is top-notch. It's like reading a well-researched newspaper article. Reading this blog is truly recommended. Design-wise, I have to say that this is the cream of the crop. The background may be simple but it had some nifty touches like those pictures.

Presentation-wise, I have to say that this is lovely. From the color of the fonts up to the HTML coding styles, this is the best. This blog is the cream of the crop per se.

THE BOTTOMLINE: If you want for some blogs that are really worth looking for, this isi t. Carpe diem.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.


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