

"Beyond that dark cloud is a sun ready to shine"
Renato Galvan Jr.

This quote made by the honorable Renato struck me most for today. It just really depicts that challenges are there to toughen us not degrade our whole being. An obstacle is there as a blessing in disguise not a thing that must be angered upon by us. A dark cloud may come upon us but our optimism must not be overshadowed by such. People say that a thing that occurs always has its corresponding purpose, a purpose shrouded in mystery and some conspicuous circumstances.

Every time a dark cloud comes, we must approach it carefully and approach it with calmness and an attitude that denotes something about being positive. Having a positive outlook is nice and it really lessens the burden and it even gives you a more mature approach. Smiling helps too. According to Pau, it lessens the pain. I can certainly approve that sentiment of hers. Smiling results to doing something positive and it lessens the muscle usage in our faces. THAT IS A SCIENTIFIC FACT.

Today was a day filled with unsuspected happenings. I was sad for one part then I'm happy in another part. First, the happy part. I was happy because while practicing, Danica, Tristan and Bilog made comedic actions which rocked the house down.

The sad part this time. It happened when Gemma asked me if I would court her. I didn't offer any answer. Then she told me that the aforementioned girl was seated together with someone in that store near McDonalds. What an excruciating message that was. Then Ate Kat said that if I want to court her, do I stand a chance? That question made my situation worse. It was as if she's implying that I must not pursue any plans of courtship. She said that it's like I'm holding on to something which is unattainable. That statement given by Ate Kat hurt me a lot!

I'm just really dumbfounded now. I don't know if I'm still alright now.

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