

Honesty must prevail. That is all I can think about at this very moment. If someone commits an act of dishonesty, it will be revealed eventually so why act as if nothing happened? What you have done to your victims is very disappointing. You certainly have lost our trust upon you. If given the chance to say this in front of everyone without saying your name, fine, I'll do it. Someone has to attack your conscience. You are guilty and being pale during times that we discussed this certainly proved all of our findings about you. So, admit the damn truth while the damage and rift is not that big yet.

This past week was fun. Today (Friday) was certainly joyous. More about that later. Thursday was frustrating. That dance called Minuet just killed my day. Monday and Tuesday were good. Half of my day was spent reviewing for an upcoming contest that I will be participating at Holy Angel University on February 1, a Friday, together with Renato, the genius. Wednesday was the same too. I reviewed again for that contest that I just said. Now, Friday . . . Friday was the epic day ever. Half of the class was gone thanks to that trip to Mekeni Food Corp. So, what the hell did the remaining students do? Well, in one word, P-L-A-Y. In Math time, we played "UNO Stacko". In Chemistry time, we played this native game called "Patintero", we also played "Dr. Quackquack" and this game wherein we have to use a volleyball and I won in the first round.

So, there is this one thing that has been annoying recently and that thing is that most of my classmates talk about effing SC. Seriously, all I could hear is SC here and SC there. Freaking real. And all I can say . . . nevermind. I'm gonna say it during the campaigning of whoever the candidates are.

Earlier, I was surprised that I did manage to convince Ate Kat about something that I said in the past. I was happy that she did say that. I really thought that I can't convince her about that four letter word named L-O-V-E. It's a good thing that somethings happened but I did lost myself. Yeah right, Marti said that and I agree. I just lost myself in my Sophomore years and I did label myself as stupid then. The bottom line here is that Marti was right and no one could have said it better. One thing has been bothering me though. I am getting pissed off whenever someone does try to bring up that name. It just freaking sucks. So what I'm doing is try to avoid as much as possible and just let me freaking forget everything and I will be happy.

Now about NBA. Boston has been lackluster lately and I do believe that they need a backup PG to spell out Rondo and House. The Lakers have been affected by Bynum's injury but if Kwame Brown steps up, I think that the 4th seed is within reach.

About WWE this time, I laud WWE's move to give Jeff Hardy a push. Hardy, Edge, and Punk can be potential card-carriers. Edge has been proven but Hardy and Punk have not yet showed their truest potential.

Please do listen to the song "Love Song" by Sara Bareilles. It is good and it not your same old boring song heard on the radio. It just feels right and I use it to make myself sleep. For those who love good songs, please listen to the songs of the awesome band, Tenacious D.

Honesty is the best policy and do not act like thieves.
Freaking real.

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