

So, I got tagged by Konrei which means I have to post six (or more) weird things about myself. Here are now the six weird things about me:

1. When I eat fried chicken, I eat the innards first before I eat the chicken skin.
For some reasons, I do this routine every time there is chicken on the table. I save the skin for last because for me, the best parts should be eaten last. As they say, "Save the best for last." A weird routine to say the least.

2. When I was a baby, I pronounced the letter "W" as "buyu-buyu" not "dobol yoo"
All I can say is LOL. I thought that I once spoke the letter "W" with perfection but then, my insinuations were clearly wrong.

3. I don't like doing things such as singing in front of the class.
I don't know why but I just don't like performing in front of the class. Maybe because I am just shy or something. Meh, I just really don't like singing in front of the class.

4. When I eat pizza, I usually remove the mushrooms, onions, and the like in them and eat them first before I eat the pizza itself.
I don't know why but I just love eating the pizza in this fashion. Kinda nonsense but for me, it is a good way to eat the pizza.

5. I hate the section where I am currently at.
You might think that since I'm under a supportive adviser, I will automatically love the section. Sadly, I did not. I am freaking pissed off at the way those freaking morons treat me. FUCK THEM ALL.

6. I love the smell of gasoline even if it causes me some weird sensations before.
I don't think this is a good act to be lauded. Seriously, don't smell gasoline. Please.

So here are the new 6 weird things about me.

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