

Well, when a person is infatuated, one finds ways to savor it. One finds way to cherish it. One finds ways to make himself or herself happy thanks to that inspiration. One finds ways to make his or her day memorable thanks to that inspiration. That's for the positive persons. Well, for the negative ones, they exhaust means for it to stop. I've known someone who has been doing that. Well, I wonder why. Asking myself that very question since I was doing it some time back, I answered well, they try to stop it since they act like messed up - people who need a trip to the resident psychologist for some counseling.

This is not a tirade or something. It is merely a realization on my part. I have branded myself as "foolish" regarding some decisions that I have made about this matter. I mean, doing the same thing over and over again . . . isn't that stupid? Answer me. Seriously, I call it stupid.

No matter how hard I've tried to remove all this infatuation, I can't. I don't know why. I am just thinking of it saying "You need this so why throw it away all of a sudden?". Meh at such thoughts. I have to stop this. I don't know why I am saying this. Probably because I am thinking that I have no chance in that person. Seriously, that's not a probability but a huge damn reality. I guess this is one big reason for me to stop everything. Yeah, as in stop. End. Nullify.

This entry is obviously labeled with negativity on my part. That's simply me. I think of things in life the negative way at times. I think that I lose in almost any damn thing. Seriously, that's the way I think and it has cost me some big time ass kicking in life.

I am currently listening to "Look What You've Done" by Jet. They are teh awesome. I do think that this entry is negative partly because I take things in life too seriously. I don't do things for fun. I do things to make a statement. I do things the serious way. Brand me as a perfectionist if you want then you slap the saying "Nobody is perfect" right on my face. Who the hell cares?

So with all the things being said, I really think it's time for me to move on. I don't know but one thing's for sure. That is, I don't stand a chance. Well, soldiers don't quit but realistically, I have to quit. I just really have to be realistic. Well, it is game over.

It is game over.

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