

No freaking song lyrics for this entry. I would want you dear reader to have a moment of silence first and pray for someone. Thank you in advance.

Well, school was like a mixed bag of emotions. One day, it would be good. In another day, it would be sad. Then, it would be stressful. It's just really packed with different emotions. As I am typing this, I am thinking of one person who recently went back to the Lord. Please pray for that person's soul please.

Oh well, I customized my Windows Vista with some theme here. Here is the link of the picture of the desktop: WHATEVER. Comment at it if you want to. The icons are big though. But now, they are not.

One YouTube video series has kept me hooked. That video series is Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series by LittleKuriboh. It really is funny. Just search for it in YouTube. It currently has 29 episodes. Tristan Taylor's voice is simply awesome.

Depression struck me again. Oh well, 4th Year life is indeed stressful. Hopefully, my school year will be impressive academically. I do not care about the social aspect of my life for now. I only care about academic status for now. I need this year badly.

Oh well, I just hope the Lord Almighty will be kind enough. He is kind enough and I trust Him. After all, he is our Universal Brother and Universal Friend.

May you R.I.P. You will always remain in my heart. Thanks for all the memories.

P.S This entry was quite hard to type even though I only mentioned you in few instances. Still, rest in peace.

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